Transcriptional control of IMMUNE RESPONSES
Infectious, environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors are contributing the global effectiveness of immune responses and to failure to control pathogens. Acute and chronic diseases of inflammation are caused by uncontrolled activation of the immune system and by ineffective return to homeostasis following insult resolution. On the genetic side, not only inter-individual variations are influencing the inflammatory responses, but also the epigenetic control of gene expression by transcription factors is important.
The aim of our lab is to understand the role of transcription factors in normal and pathological immune responses. We use cutting-edge molecular biology and genomics methods to:
Investigate the functional impact of genetic variations on the response to infections and chronic inflammatory diseases, with a focus on hypothyroidism, rheumatic diseases, and interstitial lung diseases
Identify and characterize the function of transcription factors in immune development and function, as well as epigenitic reprogramming
Develop innovative antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs, especially to target cerebral malaria and leishmaniasis